Reconnect As a Couple
Reconnect As a Couple
February 8th at 7pm.
Would you like to know how to connect your s*exuality with your spirituality for a more profound, connected, and meaningful intimacy?
By recharging your s*exual energy that is your life force energy you can see big changes in your life.
In this life-changing and playful experiential class you’ll learn surprisingly simple ways to get in the mood, relax and be in the moment, build desire, increase intimacy and deepen connection with your partner using timeless yogic breathing techniques, a conscious, sacred approach to intimacy that’ll inspire you to say, “F*#% Yes! Finally! THIS is the key to what I knew was possible all along!”
We welcome you, whether solo or partnered, to share in this ancient wisdom from the spiritual traditions and infuse your s*exual life with even greater light, and many blessings.